Genre: Horror Slasher
Running time: 10 minutes
Synopsis: An arrogant, ultra-famous Gen Z social media prankster and his vapid, on-trend friends face hell on Halloween night when they run into two middle-aged, justice-seeking brothers determined to teach them a lesson about decency and morality. Not one of their live-streaming-million-plus followers can help them now.
Starring: Ted Raimi and Brian Krause.
“RED LIGHT” is a proof of concept. The feature film adaptation is in development.
-SITGES World Premiere + 70 more selections.
Genre: Psychological Horror
Running time: 90 minutes
Synopsis: Three women mysteriously wake up in a hospital and discover that one of them is deaf, one is mute and the other one is blind; together they will have to figure out why they are there and how to get out.
"FORGIVENESS" has been distributed in North America + 45 territories theatrically and/or on VOD.
-FrightFest World Premiere +21 more selections.